Recently, PedoBear (aka Roy Harms) has received some very negative press and these anti-PedoBear sentiments are sweeping the nation!
His origins are based in Japan as a meme found throughout the 4chan forums and has become the most recognizable internet characters across the world in recent years. Originally known as Kuma, literally (bear) in Japanese. They never added the prefix "Pedo" out of fear of redundancy, since most everything from Japan is sexually perverse. For a long time he has been used and sent in humored fashions to signify someones creepiness as a joke not as an actual red flag for pedophilia. He's been the victim of rather poorly executed photoshopped antics. Fans have pasted his face over hundreds of photos and videos wherein pedophilia is or becomes prominent (due to his presence). Casual web users and internet addicts alike can find solace in his cute face while getting a laugh at the fact that he truly is not what he seems. The fact is, that because of his mixture of appeals, PedoBear has become the world's most well-known meme.
PedoBear has become so well known that merchandisers have even taken advantage of his popularity. You can now find many PedoBear goodies for all the perverts in your lives. PedoBear hats, hoodies, T-shirts, decals and more!
PedoBear has become so well known that merchandisers have even taken advantage of his popularity. You can now find many PedoBear goodies for all the perverts in your lives. PedoBear hats, hoodies, T-shirts, decals and more!
PedoBear's popularity has grown to such an extent since his days in the 4chan forums that he has been spotted throughout mainstream media across the world. In 2009 a blogger created a composite image depicting Pedobear grouped together with fanart of the cartoon mascots of the Vancouver Winter Olympics. This image was then mistakenly used by other media, most notably the Polish newspaper Gazeta Olsztynska for a February 2010 front page story about the Olympics in Vancouver. Dumb asses. Later in 2009 Pat Buchanan, a conservative commentator, wrote a column about the early days of president Barak Obama which included a picture of PedoBear. Earlier this year, at Brooklyn's Renegade Craft Fair, felted collage pieces depicting a wide variety of internet and geek culture figures, including PedoBear, were presented.
PedoBear stands to teach us a very important lesson though. Masked with a cute and cuddly exterior with that sweet smile and saucer-like eyes, PedoBear comes off as a most trust worthy friend. Although he appears to be nothing more than a sweet and lovable stuffed animal, something far more sinister lurks below. Which isn't too far from real-life pedophiles whose acts of lechury usually pray upon children they know very well. Rare is the case of pedophilic acts and abuse against complete strangers. No, most common is the case that child sexual abuse is committed by someone that the child knows, loves, and trusts making the act committed even worse.
Many websites have recently declared full on war with PedoBear telling their users and subscribers that they are no longer permitted to use or send anything related to the meme claiming that his presence is offensive and users will be banned upon any use of his images. He's been forbidden from a variety of sites including Gaia, Gamespot, Energy Gaming, Diviantart, Tinypic and Image Shack among others. Photobucket states "Pedobear is a violation of terms. We do not allow images of Pedobear and we are actively removing all images containing Pedobear. Sincerely, Your Photobucket Support Team." Facebook's judgement on PedoBear is still pending. However, a group of holier than thou bible beaters has a Facebook group solely dedicated to the removal of PedoBear from not just Facebook but the entire internet! Sorry folks! What goes online stays online, so suck it!
PedoBear is not a mascot for pedophiles. He is not a sign of the presence of pedophiles and other people with inappropriate sexual behavior. He's a fucking joke! Get it? They let Micheal Jackson wander around for years and no one cared! A Cosplay participant dressed as the character was accused of being a pedophile at a recent convention in San Luis Obispo County California. The cosplayer was seen handing out candy to children and posing in pictures. He was escorted off of the premisis. Afterward, the sheriffs department issued a public safety report concerning the popular meme (found below), a warning to local media, warning parents that the image can indicate the presence of pedophiles. The story was picked up by a few of the local news broadcasters, blowing the story out of proportion. Then, the police department in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and a local television station there, falsely reported that the person wearing the costume was a registered sex offender.
To think that a real pedophile would actually be stupid enough to hide behind the meme and use PedoBear to mask his sickness is just stupid. Real pedophiles are much more covert and much harder to pinpoint. If only it would be as easy as rounding up all the PedoBears across the web, I'd like to think that we would once and for all be rid of pedophiles. Truth is, it will never be so simple. So keep yours eyes on your children, talk to them often and leave the kids in the bear suits alone!